“Blue Free” is here. New label for LED optics without blue component.
Our vandalism-proof PERON and DURGA luminaires have lit up a new skate park developed in a rather unusual spot – inside the passage under Hlávka Bridge in Prague 7. The derelict passages under the Holešovice side of the Hlávka Bridge had long been used as shelters for the homeless, and other pedestrians made sure to avoid them.
“When the surface crossings were built, the network of the passages under the bridge have lost their purpose. They turned into a place that people avoided even in bright daylight. Guys from the Bike Asylum enterprise have joined a public competition for reviving the place, suggesting a public space that could be used for sports activities,” explains Hana Třeštíková (Praha sobě movement), vice-mayor of Prague 7 and city councillor. Over the past year the authors of the project, Martin Kontra and Richard Preisler, teamed up with the Prague 7 municipal authority to transform the derelict spaces so that they could be used for various street activities. The Prague municipality also participated in the project.
Read full article here. (source:
“Blue Free” is here. New label for LED optics without blue component.
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